Joe Donnelly Design
Affordable Freelance Graphic, Logo, Print and Web Design Services
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Why do we Volunteer?
How are we helping others?
How can we help you?
What do we get in return?
Contact Us with your needs

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We are each of us angels with only one wing,
and we can only fly by embracing one another.

~Luciano de Crescenzo

Why do we Volunteer?

We are committed to using the power of graphic design to help others in our local and global community. We believe that design has the power to help people succeed whether in business or in philantrophy. We also believe that financial constraints shouldn't limit a deserving cause from making a big splash, getting heard or attracting much needed attention. As such, we donate a portion of our graphic design time each month to deserving causes, people and organizations.

Our goal this year, is to help 100 individuals, organizations or causes before the end of 2008. So if your organization is in need of professional graphic design services and perhaps don't have the financial means to hire a designer, then please contact us.
Let us know of your needs and we'll help how we can.

If you know a worthy cause in need of graphic design help, please refer us to them, to allow us to empower as many organizations and causes as possible with the power of graphic design. Click here to refer our Design Donation to a worthy organization.

How are we Helping Others?

Below are examples of some recent non-profit groups, organizations and individuals who have benefited from our graphic design donation and volunteerism:

(Click on an image below to view a larger image)

View the National Council of Jewish Women - Seattle Section Newsletter Volunteer Project

The National Council of Jewish Women -
Seattle Section

Newsletter Redesign

View the logo and website redesign

Law Enforcement Technology Information Exchange

Logo and Website Redesign

View the Self New Year's Flash ecard


New Year Flash eCard

Contact us to let us know your volunteer needs and how we can help you.

How can we Help You?

Every available service in our list of capabilities can be dontated to your organization. Click here to review our full list of services. So whether it's a flyer or brochure for your organization, advertising or print design, a t-shirt design, or a full website, let us know. If we can help, we'll do our best to do so.

Some areas where we can help:

  • Design of flyers, posters or brochures
  • Design of newsletters, email messages and other recurring communications
  • Design of logos, graphics or illustrations
  • Design of table top displays and graphics to promote events
  • Design of promotional ads
  • Design or redesign of web sites and web graphics
  • Design of PowerPoint or other presentation documents
  • .. and much more. Contact us to let us know your volunteer needs.
What do we get in return?

A fair question that may be going thru your minds. First and foremost, although it sounds trite or overused, we get the comfort and peace of knowing we helped someone in need to make a difference; to help them achieve something that they would not otherwise have the means to do, and ultimately to make a difference in someone's life - helping people help others.

In return we ask nothing. In reality we have been offered everything from a small stipend or honorarium, to an item of barter, to a small link back to our web site or a credit or mention of our company name in an available acknowledgment area.

We believe in the circular nature of life. In doing good for others it will eventually come back to us in some form. Often this means being referred to others or having our work seen, or being retained for other paying contracts or just offering us an ability to network with others in the global community to get our company and designs seen. In our eyes, including philantrophy in business is the only socially responsible way to run good business.