Joe Donnelly Design
Affordable Freelance Graphic, Logo, Print and Web Design Services
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Welcome to my website...

My name is Joe Donnelly, and if you haven't guessed,
Joe Donnelly Design is my online portfolio. It contains information about me, my work, and most importantly
how I can help you to suceed.

For close to two decades I have worked on both sides of the fence...

I have worked on the design side, at all levels in graphic design and advertising agencies, in in-house corporate design departments and as a studio owner. This broad experience at all levels of the design process has allowed me to master all aspects of creative, allowing me to respond to any design challenge you might be faced with.
On the business side, I have worked in corporate marketing and on project and product management teams, giving me a first-hand understanding of the challenges faced by my clients in search of design services. This unique dual combination of experience allows me to look more broadly at your business and design challenges and present a more tailored approach compared to some of my design peers who may have only one design perspective.

I am an independent freelance graphic designer. When you hire Joe Donnelly Design, you are ensured that I will be involved in every step of your project. More often than not, I am the principle designer on your project. From time to time, and as the need arises, I will also engage other partners/designers, web coders, developers or photographers to contribute their specialty skills which may be required to get your project done.

I get inquiries from people almost daily asking how or why I charge as little as I sometimes do for my design services. The answer is two-fold: one I explain, is that I engage in graphic design first and foremost, out of a love of creating compelling visual solutions for people, and then second, I do it for the money. I believe that money and costs shouldn't prevent a business from getting effective graphic design, and that there is a design to suit every budget - no amount is too small. Secondly I believe in the long term; I believe that as your business grows I hope to grow with your business. I tailor my services to suit the size and budget provided by my clients. It is my belief that by providing cost effective and creative designs, that not only will I help you succeed today, but that you'll call on me again and again in the future as additional projects arise, plus recommend me to all your friends and associates.

It's understandable that you might also feel a bit uneasy about buying freelance graphic design services on the 'faceless' Internet. To completely eliminate any remaining risk, uncertainty or fear you might feel, I also personally guarantee your complete satisfaction with a number of written guarantees.

I would like for you to come away from this site understanding the benefits of hiring a freelance designer, understanding how cost effective, reliable, and creative it can be, and that it can be done whether you and I are located next door to one another or half way around the world. It is also my hope that should my work resonate with you, that you contact me to get a FREE quote for your next design project, or at the very least for you to bookmark this site and keep me in mind for future projects.

I thank you for reading this far. I welcome you once again to my site and invite you to explore the site and my work. I then invite you to contact me to personally discuss your design needs and how I might help you and your business succeed -- by design.

Joe Donnelly
Founder and Owner
Joe Donnelly Design

Get started today! Contact us to discuss your latest project and get a FREE Consultation, or a FREE no-obligation Design Quote.